Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

DAZZLED Holo Grail March 2014 - Aly's Dream Polish - Pinkberry

Hey friends!! I don't know if you bought DAZZLED's "Holo Grail" box, but Aly actually contributed a color to the first box ever! This BEAUTIFUL shade came from the March box.

Pinkberry is a gorgeous shimmery bright Barbie pink shade with violet, turquoise, and teal flashes and sparks! In the pictures below, you can see the turquoise, but you have to take my word for the rest, since they're kind of shy ;)

Indoor blue-tint light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
 Opacity: 3
Number of coats: 2

I know I say this with quite a few Aly's shades, but this is definitely one of my favorites!!
I will post swatches of the others from this box as soon as I receive them.
P.S.- Be on the lookout for a new line from another great brand- swatches are coming later this week!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Aly's Dream Polish Blues- Blue Lapis, Dark Midnight Blue, Deep Steel Blue, Duchess Blue, Light Sky Blue, Steel Blue

SO, I may or may not have bought over 25 polishes in Aly's last restock...which makes for lots of pictures for you. I tried to separate them into color categories as best I could, but there was a little fudging.
Anyway, this first post (of five) is of all the blues from this haul.
You can find post number 2 with all the purples HERE.
Post number 3 with pinker shades HERE.
Post number 4 with greens (and Silver) HERE.
Post number 5 with orange shades HERE.

First up is Blue Lapis. A tiny bit brighter and lighter than Sapphire, this true blue shade is stunning.
Indoor blue light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 3.25
# of coats: 2

Dark Midnight Blue is just as the name suggests. A few shades up from black, this dark, sultry cool-toned blue is gorgeous.
Indoor blue-tint light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 3.75
# of coats: 2

Deep Steel Blue is a few shades lighter and more yellow-toned than D.M.B.
Indoor blue-toned light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 3
# of coats: 2

Dutchess Blue is a violet-leaning bright blue, almost a blurple.
Indoor blue-tint light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 2.75
# of coats: 2

Light Sky Blue is as the name suggests, slightly muted.
Indoor blue-tint light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 2.5
# of coats: 3 thin

Steel Blue is a warm, slight grey tinted blue.
Indoor blue-tint light:
 Outdoor sunlight:
Opacity: 3
# of coats: 2

I'm no good at endings, sooo...I'll talk to you in the next post! Thanks again!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lucky 13 Lacquer "Dixon Hill: Private Investigator" and "Cliffs of Heaven"

Well hey there viewers!
I can't believe it, but this actually the first time I have reviewed this brand!
I thought I should explain the irony here. First of all, I really love this brand, and the maker behind it. She's super fun and sweet! Second, I have had several of her polishes for a while, and although I took pictures for review, they somehow never made it to the blog (sad day). Third and most important reason: I am a triskaidekaphiliac. If I had chosen a name for my polish brand, it would be the same. Right now I'm working on a collection of 13 L13L's (another shock that I don't own that many already!), and obviously my next goal following that will be owning 26 of her beauties...
I'm rambling.
The two colors I have to show you today are from her Star Trek collection, which is still relatively new.
Little did you know, I grew up a Trekkie. Although I'm ashamed to admit it's been years seen I've watched most of the series.

Soooo, first up is Dixon Hill: Private Investigator. This nude polish is a very soft, silky, tan-leaning creme base with a very soft, velvety holo.
It took me three thin coats to accomplish this look, and as is my signature, no undies or tops here.

Indoor blue light:
Outdoor sunlight:

While the holo is a lot more subtle, it's actually stronger than the pictures let on. No surprise there, right?
Opacity: 1.75
Application: 4.5 (the second coat I did was thin, and thus probably caused the streaky-ness)
Wear: UNK
Removal: 4.75 (just a little sticky)

The other shade I have today is Cliffs of Heaven. This is a slightly muted turquoise holo.
As many of you know, I love my "aquoises". (<---I'm coining this word. A combination of the words 'aquamarine' and 'turquoise', it means 'any shade between blue and green'). It seemed only appropriate own the first aquoise holo from one of my favorite brands.

Indoor blue light:
Outdoor sunlight:

All stats for this shade are identical to that listed for Dixon Hill above.

I am really in love with the depth that these colors have. They almost have that liquid look that jellies have, but once built, they appear as cremes. I might go so far as to call them crellies, but there's just something about the depth that doesn't fit any one description.

My last bit is a tip if you want the holo to show more: Paint one more thin coat than you would otherwise. Let everything dry, then very lightly and quickly swipe a bit of nail polish remover over the top using a cotton ball. You can even add a non-dulling top coat if the finished product doesn't look smooth enough... that I think about it, I should probably do a tutorial post to better explain this...
I guess that means you'll hear from me again soon!
XOXO- H.i.H.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

COMPARSION: Aly's Dream Polish Tiffanytea, Tiffany's Revenge, and Powder Blue

Well howdy, Readers.
I am sorry this post took me so dang long to do. Between work and everyday life, you know how it goes. I hope this post clears up any real questions you may have, if not, leave your inquiry in the comment section below :)

These colors really need a good comparison to other colors in other brands too, but for the sake of time and limited number of fingers, I just did Aly's for you today. I hope you'll forgive me!

All are no base or top coat, as is my M.O.
New formula Tiffanytea is two coats, old formula Tiffanytea is three, Tiffany's Revenge and Powder Blue are two each.

You most likely have the old formula if you bought it before Aly was really sick and the store went on a long hiatus. You most likely have the new formula if you bought it after the store re-opened and started doing week-long pre-orders.

The old formula is more sheer with more holo, new formula is more opaque with less holo.
All pictures have the shades in this order:
Pinky: New Tiffanytea
Ring: Old Tiffanytea
Middle: Tiffany's Revenge
Index: Powder Blue

I didn't caption every photo to keep them from being busy, and to save time so I could have this post ready for everyone a lot sooner :)

Thanks for taking a peek! I love my readers!