Showing posts with label topcoats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label topcoats. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Polish Holographic Top Coat Comparisons and Reviews [SUPER PIC HEAVY!!!]

I think it may be safe to say this post will be my largest and grandest so far. The magnitude of this post might overwhelm your computer, so beware. There are over 45 pictures here in every angle and light so that you can see the best comparisons my camera can capture.
Over the year I have been collecting polish, I have acquired eight (8!) holographic top coats for comparison. I'm sure I will have others in the future, but I think this may be all I can fit in one shot!
Please bear in mind that cameras still can't capture everything you will see in person, so it still might be wise to try a few polishes yourself.
All top coats are one coat, over 2 coats of Wet N' Wild "Black Creme". 

Abbreviation KEY:

GREYING: the amount the top coat "greys" the base color. "1" is the least greying, "10" is most.
INTENSITY: how bright the rainbow spectrum appears. "1" is least, "10" is most.

Direct sunlight:

Bubble Gum Fairy Dust has yet to be released. It is meant to be a softer holo, for just a touch of sparkle.
Holo type: scattered
Greying: 0.5
Intensity: 2.5

Imagine If is more of a flakie micro glitter top coat, so the greying is very strong.
Holo type: scattered
Greying: 8
Intensity: 0.5

Mentality's holo top coat has a slight yellow tint.
Holo type: scattered & linear (or weak linear)
Greying: 6.5
Intensity: 5

My version of It's Always Sunny is reformulated, so it has more holo than the original formula.
Holo type: scattered
Greying: 2.5
Intensity: 3.5
I'm not sure if Polish Addict's top coat can be purchased since I received mine as an extra.
Holo type: linear
Greying: 7
Intensity: 8

As many of you already know, Djinn is very hard to obtain, so it might be wise to keep an eye out for this one in multiple places.
Holo type: weak linear
Greying: 3
Intensity: 6
Leather & Lace is perhaps one of the most greying of the bunch, but the holo payoff is amazing.
Holo type: linear
Greying: 8.5
Intensity: 8.5

This is Aly's original holo top coat. Although the holo isn't strong, it's one of my favorites.
Holo type: scattered
Greying: 1.5
Intensity: 2.5

"Shaded" indoor yellow-tint lighting:

Indoor blue-tint "natural" lighting:

Indoor blue tint lighting with flash:



I wanted to take a few more shots of Bubble Gum Fairy Dust since this is a yet-to-be released polish, and I really wanted to show off the holo. Cameras make it hard to capture holo, but I really like the spectrum in this one. The colors make me think of those LED Christmas lights, they are so vivid!

If you look closely in some of these shots, you can see different color tints and ranges in the spectrum of colors:

I included this as a quick reference, but remember comparing scattered and linear holos can sometimes amount to comparing apples to oranges. I highly advise taking another look through all of the photos, and trying a few brands yourself before making any final judgments.
Most holo: CbL
Least holo: OPI
Most greying: CbL
Least greying: FD

I was very pleased with application with all of these polishes. I haven't worn all of them out and about yet, so I am not sure about how they wear. So far, I've had no issues with removal with any of them either. I hope these pictures help answer some questions that have been lingering in your minds when it comes to choosing a top coat. If you have any questions for me or other top coats you would like me to review, please leave them below, or send me a message on my Facebook page where I will respond faster :)
Thanks again for all your support!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Aly's Dream Polish Color List BY REQUEST

I think a few of us who often wonder the names of all the polishes Aly carries in her store. Since her store is temporarily closed, it's even harder to know for sure! I did a little research, and I have a list for all of you to reference. I will include the collection, and numbers, if applicable.

*Aly's Dream Polish logo is not my own. Used for reference purposes only. Can be removed at owner's request.

Holographic Euphoria Collection:
  1. Misty Rose
  2. Light Pink
  3. Salmon
  4. Violet Red - (processing reformulation)
  5. Deep Plum - (processing reformulation)
  6. Lightest Blue
  7. Light Sky Blue
  8. Sky Blue
  9. Steel Blue
  10. Deep Steel Blue
  11. Pearl Blue - (processing reformulation)
  12. Dark Seagreen - (processing reformulation)
  13. Greyed Mint (RETIRED)
  14. Pale Yellow Olive
  15. Bright Yellow Olive
  16. Deep Lime
  17. Emerald
  18. Dark Emerald
  19. Sugared Pink
  20. Pink Pop
  21. Neon Pink
  22. Hottest Pink
  23. Vivid Violet
  24. Silver
  25. Gold Tinged Holo
  26. Pale Rosemary
  27. Sage
  28. Peridot
  29. White-ish
  30. Sweet Dreams
  31. Berry Fog
  32. Cherry Coke
  33. Oil Slick
  34. Muted Lilac
  35. Prussian Purple
  36. Lavender
  37. Amethyst
  38. Blue Violet
  39. Cherry Blossom Pink
  40. Red Wine
  41. Debian Red
  42. Red Raspberry
  43. Super Cherry
  44. Melon
  45. Coral Red
  46. Duke Blue/Dutchess Blue
  47. Sapphire
  48. Dark Midnite Blue
  49. Powder Blue
  50. Sea Blue
  51. Ocean
  52. Thistle
  53. Cotton Candy
  54. Electric Lilac
  55. Dark Orchid
  56. Electric Violet
  57. Electric Indigo
  58. Intense Blurple
  59. Blue Lapis
  60. Navy
  61. Unbleached
  62. Apricot
  63. Bronze
  64. Copper
  65. Firebrick
  66. Golden Camel
  67. Light Gold
  68. Gold
  69. Gold-Brown
  70. Orange

Macaron Collection:

  • Bayouberry
  • Bohemian Rasperry
  • Cheeky Lychee
  • Rumpleberry
  • Tiffanytea
  • Who Sencha?

Serenity Collection:
  • Browncoats
  • Cap'n Tightpants
  • Companion
  • Everything's Shiny
  • Inevitable Betrayal
  • Invite Diamond
  • Reavers
  • The 'Verse
  • holo topcoat
  • Scratch N' Dent
  • <3 Mom
  • 'Murica
  • Canada, Eh?
  • Custom #'s 1-12 (as far as I know)
  • Retired Colors- Space Voyage, Minty Fresssh, Girl Candy, Bubblytide
Did I miss any? Does anyone have any other requests for me? Don't forget to check out my Pinterest board with all the swatches I've found with her polishes here.
Thanks again for looking! Stay classy folks.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Aly's Dream Polish Miscellaneous Swatches

Hey Everyone! I was looking for swatches of Aly's Dream Polish to put on my Pinterest boards and I couldn't find accurate (or even ANY) swatches for most of these colors, so I thought I'd use some basic swatch pictures I took and post them here for all of you gals to use! Names of each color are listed below :)

Deep Plum
 Holographic Top Coat
 Intense Blurple
 Super Cherry
Sweet Dreams

Hope these help y'all! XOXO